Llach, J.; León-Mateos, F. J.; Depino-Besada, N.; Sartal, A. (2024). Do green practices and technologies mediate lean manufacturing’s impact on industrial performance? Evidence from the European manufacturing survey. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma. DOI: 10.1108/IJLSS-01-2024-0008
Graña-Álvarez, R.; Gómez-Conde, J.; López-Valeiras, E.; Gonzalez-Loureiro, M. (2024). Management control systems, business financial literacy and financial leverage in business-incubated start-ups. British Accounting Review, 56(6), pp. 101427(1)- 101443(16). DOI: 10.1016/j.bar.2024.101427
Ricardo Gonçalves; Bozidar Vlacic, Miguel González-Loureiro; Rui Sousa (2024). The impact of open innovation on the environmental sustainability practices and international sales intensity nexus: A multicountry study. International Business Review, 33(5), pp. 102279 (1)- 102292(13). DOI: 10.1016/j.bar.2024.101427
Bischoff, L.; López Manuel, L.; Vázquez Vicente, X. H. (2024). Beyond One‐Size‐Fits‐All: Understanding the Impacts Of Heterogeneous Stakeholders On Firm Performance. Strategic Change, 34(1). DOI: 10.1002/jsc.2612
Carou, D.; Sartal, A.; Davim, J. P. (Eds.). (2024). Applying Drones to Current Societal and Industrial Challenges. Springer Nature Switzerland, Imprint: Springer. ISSN: 2365-0532
Ozcelik, N.; Rodríguez, M.; Sartal, A.; Lutter, S. (2024). Taking Away the “Water Productivity” Illusion: An Indicator Inapt to Inform Meaningful Water Policies. Ecological Indicators, 165, 112220. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.112220
Depino-Besada, N.; Sartal, A.; León-Mateos, F.; Llach Pagés. J. (2024). Exploring the relationships between digital transformation, organizational slack and business performance: a configurational approach. Business Process Management Journal. DOI: 10.1108/BPMJ-02-2024-0084
Couñago Blanco, E.; León-Mateos F.; Sartal, A.; López-Manuel L. (2024). Improving the resilience of seaports to the effects of climate change: Port Resilience Index as a tool for decision-making. En: Asif, M., Sahin, G., & Khalid, M. (Eds.). Handbook of Energy and Environment in the 21st Century: Technology and Policy Dynamics (1st ed.). (pp. 376-394). CRC Press. DOI: 10.1201/9781032715438
Mendes, T.; González-Loureiro, M.; Braga, V. (2024). The Interplay Between Managerial Cognition, Earliness of Internationalization, and Post-internationalization Speed: A Qualitative Study of Experiential and Analytical Information Processing. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 1-37. DOI:10.1007/s13132-024-02455-1
Almutairi, H.; Galeotti, M.; Manzano, B.; Pierru, A. (2024). Resilience of Saudi Arabia’s economy to oil shocks: effects of economic reforms. The Energy Journal, 45(5), 125-148. DOI: 10.1177/01956574241240279
Álvarez-González, P.; López-Miguens, M. J.; Caballero, G. (2024). The role of individual factors in perceived sustainable employability: an application in higher education. Education+ Training, 66(7), 873-889. DOI: 10.1108/ET-12-2023-0511
Couñago, E., García-Pintos, A., Caballero, G., León-Mateos, F. (2024). Analysing Coastal Flood Risk: Assessing the Impact on Critical Water Infrastructures. Water Resources Management. DOI: 10.1007/s11269-024-03766-3
Fontanet-Pérez, P., Suau-Sanchez, P., & Vázquez, X. H. (2024). Chapter 20: Sustainable aviation after COVID-19: will technology save all, or a more radical change is required?. En: Andres, L., Bryson, J. R., Ersoy, A., & Reardon, L. (Eds): Pandemic Recovery?. Edward Elgar Publishing. DOI: 10.4337/9781802201116.00031
Rodríguez-García, C.; Martínez-Senra, A.I.; Quintás, M.; Vázquez, X.H. (2024). Overcoming the Dark Side of Subnational Start-up Support Policies: A Pilot Project for Facilitating Cross-Border Cooperation in Europe. Regional Studies. DOI: 10.1080/00343404.2023.2293985
López-Manuel, L., Sartal, A. and Vázquez, X.H. (2023). On the alignment of competitive strategies for successful acquisitions: a two-decade longitudinal analysis. Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal.
França, A.; López-Manuel, L.; Sartal, A.; Vazquez, X. H. (2023). Adapting Corporations to Climate Change: How Decarbonization Impacts the Business Strategy–Performance Nexus. Business Strategy and the Environment.
Carou, D.; Lozano, J.A.; León-Mateos, F.; Sartal, A.; & Gupta, M.K. (2023). An Introduction to the Use of Life Cycle Assessment in Machining. En Machado, C., Paulo Davim, J. (Eds): Corporate Governance for Climate Transition. Springer, Cham. (ISBN 978-3-031-26276-0).
Rodríguez-Garcia, C.; León-Mateos, F.; López-Manuel, L.; & Sartal, A. (2023). Assessing the Drivers Behind Innovative and Creative Companies. The Importance of Knowledge Transfer in the Field of Industry 5.0. En Machado, C.F., Davim, J.P. (Eds): Industry 5.0. Springer, Cham. (ISBN: 978-3-031-26232-6).
Bergantiños, G.; Groba, C.; & Sartal, A. (2023). Applying the Shapley value to the tuna fishery. European Journal of Operational Research.
López-Manuel, L.; Vazquez, X. H.; & Sartal, A. (2023). Firm, industry, and country effects on CO2 emissions levels. Business Strategy and the Environment.
López-Manuel, L.; Sartal, A.; & Vázquez, X.H. (2023). Making a Virtue of Necessity Once Again: Assessing the Effect of Temporary Labor on Lean Practices in Highly Routinized Environments. International Journal of Lean Six Sigma, 14(5), 947-969.
Sartal, A.; Llach, J.; & León-Mateos, F. (2022). Do technologies really affect that much? Exploring the potential of several key flow-enhancing technologies in today’s lean manufacturing shop floors. Operational Research, 1-32.
Sartal, A., Vázquez, X. H., & Lozano-Lozano, L. M. (2022). Organizational Tools and Cultural Change in the Success of Lean Transformations: Delving Into Sequence and Rhythm. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 69(5), 2205-2217.
Eduardsen, J., Marinova, S. T., González-Loureiro, M., & Vlačić, B. (2022). Business group affiliation and SMEs’ international sales intensity and diversification: A multi-country study. International Business Review, 101989.
Bayo-Besteiro, S., García‐Rodríguez, M., Labandeira, X., & Añel, J. A. (2022). Seasonal and subseasonal wind power characterisation and forecasting for the Iberian Peninsula and the Canary islands: a systematic review. International Journal of Climatology, 42(5), 2601-2613.
Carou, D., Sartal, A., & Davim, J. (2022). Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Applications. From Big Data to Small Data. Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-030-91006-8).
Fontanet-Pérez, P., Vázquez, X. H., & Carou, D. (2022). The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the US airline market: are current business models equipped for upcoming changes in the air transport sector? Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(1), 647-656.
Graña-Alvarez, R., Lopez-Valeiras, E., Gonzalez-Loureiro, M., & Coronado, F. (2022). Financial literacy in SMEs: A systematic literature review and a framework for further inquiry. Journal of Small Business Management, 1-50.
Rodríguez-García, C., García-Pintos, A., Caballero, G. & Vázquez, X.H. (2022). The role of knowledge maps in sub-national climate change policymaking and governance. Climate Policy, 22:3, 273-284, DOI: 10.1080/14693062.2021.2022450
Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., & Teixidó, J. J. (2022). Major Reforms in Electricity Pricing: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment. The Economic Journal, 132(644), 1517-1541.
Quintás, M. A., & Martínez-Senra, A. I. (2022). Are small and medium enterprises defining their business models to reach a symbolic or substantive environmental legitimacy?. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-24.
Vlačić, B., Almeida Santos, I. G., Silva, S. C., & González-Loureiro, M. (2022). Entrepreneurial cognition and internationalization speed: towards a potential moderating effect of experiential and rational information processing. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 1-34.
López, V. M., Carou, D., & Cruz S, F. A. (2022). Feasibility study on the use of recycled materials for prototyping purposes: A comparative study based on the tensile strength. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 09544054221113378.
León-Mateos, F., Sartal, A., López-Manuel, L., & Quintás, M. A. (2021). Adapting our sea ports to the challenges of climate change: Development and validation of a Port Resilience Index. Marine Policy, 130, 104573.
Ozcelik, N., Rodríguez, M., Lutter, S., & Sartal, A. (2021). Indicating the wrong track? A critical appraisal of water productivity as an indicator to inform water efficiency policies. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 168, 105452.
Silva, C., González-Loureiro, M., & Braga, V. L. (2021). The Influence of Organizational Ambidexterity on SME Speed of Internationalization. Journal of Global Information Management, 29(1).
Sartal, A., González-Loureiro, M., & Vázquez, X. H. (2021). Meta-analyses in management: What can we learn from clinical research? BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 24(1), 91-111.
Caballero, G., Álvarez-González, P., & López-Miguens, M. J. (2021). Which are the predictors of perceived employability? An approach based on three studies. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-18.
Blazquez, J., Galeotti, M., Manzano, B., Pierru, A., & Pradhan, S. (2021). Effects of Saudi Arabia’s economic reforms: Insights from a DSGE model. Economic Modelling, 95, 145-169.
López‐Miguens, M. J., Caballero, G., & Álvarez‐González, P. (2021). Responsibility of the University in Employability: Development and validation of a measurement scale across five studies. Business Ethics: A European Review, 30(1), 143-156.
Rodríguez-López, N. (2021). Understanding value co-creation in virtual communities: The key role of complementarities and trade-offs. Information & Management, 58(5), 103487.
Blazquez, J., Galeotti, M., & Martin-Moreno, J. M. (2021). Green recovery packages for a post-Covid-19 world: A lesson from the collapse of Spanish wind farms in the past financial crisis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 151, 111570.
Eduardsen, J., Marinova, S., Vlačić, B. & González-Loureiro, M. (2021). Business Group Affiliation and Export Propensity in New Ventures. En Verbeke, A., van Tulder, R., Rose, E.L. & Wei, Y. (Ed.): The Multiple Dimensions of Institutional Complexity in International Business Research (pp. 129-153). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Blazquez, J., Martin-Moreno, J. M., Perez, R., & Ruiz, J. (2021). Aiming for Carbon Neutrality: Which Environmental Taxes Does Spain Need by 2030?. Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 10(2), 215-229.
Alonso-Carrera, J., Bouché, S., & De Miguel, C. (2021). Revisiting the process of aggregate growth recovery after a capital destruction. Journal of Macroeconomics, 68, 103293.
Diéguez-Castrillón, M. I., Gueimonde-Canto, A., & Rodríguez-López, N. (2021). Sustainability indicators for tourism destinations: bibliometric analysis and proposed research agenda. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-28.
Fabra, N., & Labandeira, X. (2021). The economics of the energy transition. SERIEs, 12, 101–103.
Gago, A., Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J.M., & López-Otero, X. (2021). Transport Taxes and Decarbonization in Spain: Distributional Impacts and Compensation. Hacienda Pública Española. Review of Public Economics, 238, 101-136.
Sartal, A., Rodríguez, M., & Vázquez, X.H. (2020). From efficiency-driven to low-carbon operations management: Implications for labor produtivity. Journal of Operations Management, 66(3), 310– 325.
Blázquez, J., Martin-Moreno, J. M., & Galeotti, M. (2020). An empirical study on the drivers of financial leverage of Spanish wind farms. Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. (No. 40). OIES Paper: EL. (ISBN: 978-1-78467-158-7).
Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., Linares, P., & López-Otero, X. (2020). The Impacts of Energy Efficiency Policies: Meta-analysis. Energy Policy, 147, 111790
Caballero, G., Álvarez-González, P., & López-Miguens, M.J. (2020). How to promote the employability capital of university students? Developing and validating scales. Studies in Higher Education, 45(12), 2634-2652.
Labeaga, J.M.,Labandeira, X., López-Otero, X. (2020). Energy Taxation, Subsidy Removal and Poverty in Mexico. Environment and Development Economics, 1-22.
Sartal, A., Bellas, R., Mejías, A. M., & García-Collado, A. (2020). The sustainable manufacturing concept, evolution and opportunities within Industry 4.0: A literature review. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 12(5), 1687814020925232.
López-Manuel, L., León-Mateos, F., & Sartal, A. (2020). Closing Loops, Easing Strains: Industry 4.0’s Potential for Overcoming Challenges Of Circularity In Manufacturing Environments. En A. Kumar, S. A. R. Khan, & J. A. Garza-Reyes (Ed.): Circular Economy for the Management of Operations (pp. 23-47). Taylor & Francis Limited. (ISBN: 9781003002482).
Blázquez, J., Fuentes, R., & Manzano, B. (2020). On some economic principles of the energy transition. Energy Policy, 147, 111807.
Moreno, R., Carou, D., Carazo-Alvarez, D., & Gupta, M. (2020). Statistical models for the mechanical properties of 3D printed external medical aids. Rapid Prototyping Journal.
Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., Gago,A. & López-Otero, X. (2020). Fiscalidad energético-ambiental. En Alonso, M. (Coord.): Estudio sobre Fiscalidad Justa como herramiento de lucha contra la pobreza y la exclusión social (pp. 58-80). EPN España.
García Lorenzo A., & Romero Rivero J. (2020). SEAFRESH Project: Design and Development of an Intelligent System for Decision Support in the Chilled and Frozen Fish Sector. En R. de Castro, & G. Giménez (Eds.): Advances in Engineering Networks (pp. 85-92). ICIEOM 2018. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer.
Vlacic, B., González-Loureiro, M., & Eduardsen, J. (2020). The process of the process of internationalisation: cognitive and behavioural perspectives in Small Ventures. European Journal of International Management.
López-Miguens, M.J., Caballero, G. & Álvarez-González, P. (2020). Responsibility of the University in Employability: Development and Validation of a Measurement Scale across Five Studies. Business Ethics: A European Review.
Sartal, A., Carou, D., & Davim, J. P. (2020). Enabling Technologies for the Successful Deployment of Industry 4.0. CRC Press (Taylor & Francis Group). (ISBN: 978-0-367-15196-6).
Loureiro, M., & Labandeira, X. (2019). Exploring energy use in retail stores: a field experiment. Energy Economics, 84, 104570.
Blázquez, J., Manzano, B., Hunt, L., & Pierru, A. (2019). The value of saving oil in Saudi Arabia. Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy, 8(2).
de Miguel, C., Filippini, M., Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., & Löschel, A. (2019). Low-carbon Transitions: Economics and Policy. Energy Economics, 84, 104606.
Alonso-Carrera, J., de Miguel, C., & Manzano, B. (2019). Economic growth and environmental degradation when preferences are non-homothetic. Environmental and Resource Economics, 74(3), 1011-1036.
Simón, X., Copena, D., & Montero, M. (2019). Strong wind development with no community participation. the case of Galicia (1995–2009). Energy Policy, 133, 110930.
Gago, A., Labandeira, X., & López-Otero, X. (2019). Taxing vehicle use to overcome the problems of conventional transport taxes. En M. Villar Ezcurra, J. E. Milne, H. Ashiabor & M. S. Andersen (Eds.): Environmental Fiscal Challenges for Cities and Transport (pp. 154-167). Edward Elgar Publishing. (ISBN: 978-17-89904-17-8).
Martín‐Moreno, J. M., Pérez, R., & Ruiz, J. (2019). Rockets and feathers behaviour in the Spanish gasoline and diesel market: New evidence. Bulletin of Economic Research, 71(4), 657-683
Gago, A. (2019). Nuevos escenarios para los impuestos ambietales 2030. En Ayala et al. (Coord.): "El futuro del Sector Público" (pp. 87-94). Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.
Martín-Moreno, J. M., Pérez, R., & Ruiz, J. (2019). Evidence about asymmetric price transmission in the main European fuel markets: from TAR-ECM to Markov-switching approach. Empirical Economics, 56(4), 1383-1412.
Mejías, A.M., Bellas, R., Pardo, J.E., & Paz, E. (2019). Traceability management systems and capacity building as new approaches for improving sustainability in the fashion multi-tier supply chain. International Journal of Production Economics, 217, 143-158.
Labandeira, X. (2019). Can We Price Carbon? Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, 8(2), 203+.
Puig, F., & González-Loureiro, M. (2019). Agglomerations, clusters and industrial districts: Evolution and opportunities for future research. En U. Puig & B. Urzelai (Eds.): Economic Clusters and Globalization: Diversity and Resilience (pp. 3-26). Routledge. (ISBN: 978-0-367-00017-2).
Bouché, S., & de Miguel, C. (2019). Endogenous aspirations, growth and the rise of environmental concerns. Energy Economics, 84, 104526.
Verde, S., Teixidó, J., Marcantonini, C., & Labandeira, X. (2019). Free allocation rules in the EU Emissions Trading System: what does the empirical literature show. Climate Policy, 19, 439-452.
Sartal, A., Carou, D., Dorado, R., & Mandayo, L. (2019). Facing the challenges of the food industry: Might additive manufacturing be the answer? Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 233(8), 1902-1906.
Bouché, S., & De Miguel, C. (2019). Optimal fiscal policy in a model with inherited aspirations and habit formation. Journal of Public Economic Theory, 21(6), 1309-1331.
Vázquez, X. H. (2018). The poetry of intriguing ideas, logical arguments and rigorous methods in management. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 21(1), 1-10.
Puig, F., González-Loureiro, M., & Ghauri, P. N. (2018). Running faster and jumping higher? Survival and growth in international manufacturing new ventures. International Small Business Journal, 36(7), 829-850.
Mondragón, A. E. C., Mondragón, C. E. C., Hogg, P. J., & Rodríguez-López, N. (2018). A design process for the adoption of composite materials and supply chain reconfiguration supported by a software tool. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 121, 62-72.
Rodríguez-López, N., & Diz-Comesaña, E. (2018). TICs y democracia: situación actual y retos futuros. En Instituciones politico-jurídicas y desarrollo sostenible. Editorial Dykinson. (ISBN: 978-84-9148-493-6).
França, A., & Rua, O. L. (2018). Strategic Determinants of SME Export Performance: The Mediating Effect of Competitive Strategy. En L. Carvalho, C. Rego, R. Lucas, M. I. Sánchez-Hernández & A. Noronha (Eds.): Entrepreneurship and Structural Change in Dynamic Territories - Contributions from Developed and Developing Countries (pp. 151-174). Springer. (ISBN: 978-3-319-76399-6).
Groba, C., Sartal, A., & Vázquez, X. H. (2018). Integrating forecasting in metaheuristic methods to solve dynamic routing problems: Evidence from the logistic processes of tuna vessels. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 76, 55-66.
Rua, O., França, A., & Fernández Ortiz, R. (2018). Key drivers of SMEs export performance: the mediating effect of competitive advantage. Journal of Knowledge Management, 22 (2), 257-279.
Rua, O. L., & França, A. (2018). How does Entrepreneurial Orientation Influences Exploitation of Knowledge?. En S. M. Riad Shams, D. Vrontis, Y. Weber & E. Tsoukatos: Business Models for Strategic Innovation: Cross-Functional Perspectives. Routledge. (ISBN: 978-0815367215).
Sartal, A., & Vázquez, X. H. (2017). Implementing Information Technologies and Operational Excellence: Planning, emergence and randomness in the survival of adaptive manufacturing systems. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 45,1-16.
De Miguel, C., Filippini, M., Labandeira, X., & Löschel, A. (2017). Informing the Transitions towards Low-carbon Societies, Energy Economics, 68, 1-3.
Vázquez, X. H. (2017). Gentle tailwinds allow BRQ to take inspiration from Bob Dylan. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 20(1), 1-3.
Sartal, A., Llach, J., Vázquez, X. H., & de Castro, R. (2017). How much does Lean Manufacturing need environmental and information technologies? Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 45, 260-272.
Bakhat, M., Labandeira, X., Labeaga, J. M., & López-Otero, X. (2017). Elasticities of Transport Fuels at Times of Economic Crisis: An Empirical Analysis for Spain, Energy Economics, 68, 66-80.
Rodríguez Victoria, O., Puig, F., & González-Loureiro, M. (2017). Clustering, Innovation and Hotel Competitiveness: Evidence from the Colombia Destination. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(11), 2785-2806.
De Miguel, C., & Pazó, C. (2017). Environmental protection, innovation and price-setting behavior in Spanish manufacturing firms. Energy Economics, 68, 116-124.
González, X.M., Rodríguez, M., & Pena-Boquete, Y. (2017). The social benefits of WWEE re-use schemes. A cost Benefit analysis of PCs in Spain, Waste Management, 64, 202-213.
Labandeira,X., Labeaga, J.M., & López-Otero, X. (2017). A meta-analysis on the price elasticity of energy demand, Energy Policy, 102, 549-568.
Rodríguez Victoria, O., González-Loureiro, M., & Puig, F. (2017). Competitividad Económica: los efectos del clustering, la estrategia de innovación y el rol moderador de la localización en la industria hotelera colombiana. Journal of Regional Research, 39(2017), 81-97.
Blázquez, J., Martín-Moreno, J.M., Pérez, R., & Ruíz, J. (2017). Fossil Fuel Price Shyocks and CO2 Emissions: the Case of Spain, The Energy Journal, 6 (38), 161-176.
Blázquez, J., Hunt, L.C., & Manzano, B. (2017). Oil Subsidies and Renewable Energy in Saudi Arabia: A General Equilibrium Approach, The Energy Journal, 38 (special issue1), 29-46.
Foster, E., Contestabile, M., Blázquez, J., Manzano, B., Workman, M., & Shah, N. (2017). The unstudied barriers to widespread renewable energy deployment: Fossil fuel price responses, Energy Policy, 103, 258-264.
González-Loureiro, M, Sousa, M. J., & Pinto, H. (2017). Culture and Innovation in SMEs: the Intellectual Structure of Research for Further Inquiry. European Planning Studies, 25(11), 1908-1931.
Álvarez-González, P., López-Miguens, M. J., & Caballero, G. (2017). Perceived employability in university students: developing an integrated model. Career Development International.
Gago-Rodríguez, A. (2017). Impuestos sobre la Electricidad y la Energía; una oportunidad para la consolidación fiscal. En M. L. González & E. Ortiz (Eds.): La fiscalidad del sector eléctrico (pp. 23–47). Tirant lo Blanch. (ISBN: 978-84-9143-459-7).
Atalla, T., Blázquez, J., Hunt, L. C., & Manzano, B. (2017). Prices versus policy: An analysis of the drivers of the primary fossil fuel mix. Energy Policy, 106, 536-546.
Vázquez, X. H., Sartal, A., & Lozano, L. M. (2016). Watch the working capital of tier-two suppliers: a financial perspective of supply chain collaboration in the automotive industry. Supply Chain Management: An international Journal, 21 (3), 321-333.
Manzano, B. (2016). Oil price: Endless ability to surprise. Nature Energy, 1(5), 1-2.
Martín-Moreno, J. M, Pérez, R., Ruiz, J. (2016). Exploring the sources of Spanish macroeconomic fluctuations: An estimation of a small open economy DSGE model. International Review of Economics and Finance, 45, 417-437.
López-Duarte, C., González-Loureiro, M., Vidal-Suárez, M., & González Díaz, B. (2016). International Strategic Alliances and National Culture: Mapping the field and developing a research agenda. Journal of World Business, 51(4), 511–524.
Ramos, A., Labandeira, X., & Löschel, A. (2016). Pro-environmental households and energy efficiency in Spain. Environmental and Resource Economics, 63(2), 367-393.
Rodríguez-Míguez, E., Abellán-Perpiñán, J. M., Álvarez, X. C., González, X. M., & Sampayo, A. R. (2016). The DEP-6D, a new preference-based measure to assess health states of dependency. Social Science & Medicine, 153, 210-219.
Rodríguez‐López, N., & Diz‐Comesaña, M. E. (2016). Toward a taxonomy of virtual communities from a value cocreation perspective. Psychology & Marketing, 33(12), 1166-1173.
Vivas-López, S., Puig, F., Oltra, V., & González-Loureiro, M. (2016). Globalized Markets and Startup Dynamics in Mature Manufacturing Industries. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 7(4), 947-962.
França, A., & Ferreira, J. (2016). Resources and capabilities through the lens of value (co-) creation: a literature review. International Journal of Innovation Science, 8(3), 230-253.
Sánchez-Sellero, P., Rosell-Martínez, J., & García-Vázquez, J. M. (2016). Corrigendum to “Absorptive capacity from foreign direct investment in Spanish manufacturing firms”[Int. Bus. Rev. 23 (2)(2014) 429–439]. International Business Review, 2(25), 620.
Vázquez, X. H. (2016). Submissions and research impact at BRQ: Gradual changes weave their way. Letter from the editor. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 19(1), 1-2.
Mejías, A. M., Paz, E., & Pardo, J. E. (2016). Efficiency and sustainability through the best practices in the logistics social responsibility framework. International Journal of Operations & Production Management.
Sousa, M. J., & González-Loureiro, M. (2016). Employee Knowledge Profiles - a Mixed-Research Methods Approach. Information Systems Frontiers, 18(6), 1103–1117.
Dabic, M., Svarc, J., & González-Loureiro, M. (2016). Entrepreneurial Universities in Innovation-Seeking Countries. Challenges and Opportunities. Palgrave Macmillan. (ISBN: 978-1-137-57981-2).
França, A., & Rua, O. L. (2016). Influence of entrepreneurial orientation and absorptive capacities in export performance. Tourism & Management Studies, 12(1), 196-202.
González-Loureiro, M., Kiessling, T., & Dabic, M. (2015). Acculturation and overseas assignments: a review and research agenda. International. Journal of Intercultural Relations, 49, 239–250.
Groba, C., Sartal, A., & Vázquez, X. H. (2015). Solving the dynamic traveling salesman problem using a genetic algorithm with trajectory prediction: an application to fish aggregating devices, Computers & Operations Research, 56C, 22-32.
González-Loureiro, M., Dabic, M., & Furrer, O. (2015). A Content and Comparative Analysis of Strategic Management Research in the Baltic area: A Research Agenda for Qualitative Studies. Baltic journal of management, 10(2), 243-266.
Martínez-Senra, A., Quintás, A., Sartal, A., & Vázquez, X. H. (2015). How Can Firm´s Basic Research Turn into Product Innovation? The Role of Absorptive Capacity and Industry Appropriability, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 62 (2), 205-216.
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